In February 2018, BandLab Technologies announced that it had purchased all of Cakewalk, Inc.’s intellectual property and some of its assets. At this time, Gibson ceased all development and support of Cakewalk software with only the licensing and support forum servers kept running. was dissolved in November 2017 by its parent company, Gibson Brands. After 30 years of operation, Cakewalk, Inc. Sonar was the final flagship product of Cakewalk, Inc. It is developed and published under a free subscription licensing model by BandLab Technologies of Singapore for the Microsoft Windows platform. English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Japanese, Chinese, Portuguese, Russianĭigital audio workstation, Music sequencerĬakewalk by BandLab is a full-featured Digital Audio Workstation software package for audio and MIDI composing, recording, arranging, editing, mixing and mastering.More often it's simply the cpu capability and/or buffer size. Unfortunately some instruments place more of a demand on a computer than others. If adjusting buffer sizes doesn't help these are the only options. Either lower the demand on the cpu or upgrade the computer.

Since the user mentioned problems mainly occurring when using thick patches in the first post, Gswitz has good advice. This is a potentially cpu heavy instrument. I personally avoid 32 bit instruments like the plague to avoid issues. Some have had better results using J-Brideg. Instruments in list that are green are 32 bit. The Cakewalk Sound Center is particularly affected. This is the default server in plugins area. No recent DAW that I can think of supports 32 bit and has since long moved to 64 bit. I have the same issue with a few 32 bit instruments. I think it is a bit ridiculous that it is not resolved natively. You can resolve it with some external software (jbridge) that will convert them to 64 bit as I understand. I have searched the forums and I think this involves everyone using 32 bit instruments. I also have crackling sounds, but only with 32 bit VSTi's.