Bt rssi
Bt rssi

bt rssi

(It works only with the Beacons, not the sensors) Time Without Beacon: Defines timeout without beacon before Pre-Alarm.Home Zone RSSI: Defines lowest RSSI level for BLE device.This setting also controls Proximity Pre Alarm. During this time Alarm event could be disarmed. Pre Alarm: Defines how much time user has before record will be send to server.Generate event: Defines when event should be generated: 0 On Exit (when Alarm ends), 1 On Entrance (when Alarm is generated ) and 2 On Both (when Alarm starts and ends.If during configured time sensor becomes invisible to the unit then violation 4 occurs. If RSSI level is lower than set RSSI limit then violation 2 occurs. ELA Sensors:Could be use any other ELA sensor.If sensor is being tampered with or moved then movement (AVL 874) violation 1 is generated. ELA MOV is used for Home Zone and movement violations.Beacons are used for home zone functionality.BLE Geofence: Defines types of BLE Geofence.If None is selected then Bluetooth Home Zone functionality w ill be disabled. Important Home Zone parameters in Bluetooth features section: This functionality allows for user to create Home Zone using Beacons or ELA COIN MOV sensors and inform when User brakes the violations. This functionality allows to detect and measure RSSI level between beacon/sensor and GH5200 device and sends indication that Home Zone is violated.

Bt rssi