By and large, she's exactly the same, in game, as she was before, although she has a whole new array of blaster guns to play with this time around and her skill tree is ever so slightly changed: the amount of times some of her skills can be upgraded has changed a little and she has a new skill affecting the amount of damage she deals to shelters.

She's back with her smartphone, snapping selfies at every turn and acting the diva part as well as ever. Rabbid Peach, of course, needs no introduction. well no, not for a change, cause that's what they always do. The two, along with a bunch of other Rabbid goons, drop in on the real Donkey Kong on DK Island, where all but Rabbid Peach start causing chaos for a. Fooling around like any good Rabbid would with the dimension travelling washing machine seen in the main game, Rabbid DK gets sent into another dimension, along with Rabbid Peach who was just passing through there and thought it a good idea to try recharging her phone using said machine. Those wretched Rabbids have done it again.