Smp+pe hdt physics extension
Smp+pe hdt physics extension

(Sorry for the attitude there, but I've been told both of those things so many times since SSE came out it's tiresome. No I can't go out and buy new computer parts or a whole new computer my budget doesn't have room for that right now. Please don't tell me to upgrade to SSE my computer won't let me I've tried. Could someone please help me get HDT-PE and HDT-SMP to play well and actually work? What mods do I need? How do I set it up? Q: what does that mean from modders vievpoint A: you dont need to use HCT and you dont need anything related to havok for SMP Also SMP uses much simpler workflow, when you dont need. I'm trying to keep the jiggle I have and add some movement from SMP if you understand what I mean. A: SMP uses Bullet physics which is much more reliable than Havok that skyrim uses, thus it can achieve better performance than PE and has more reliable physics. I have several armor mods that work with hdt-pe that I would like to keep and I want to use some of the awesome new armors coming out that require SMP to work right. Daedric Smithing Perk is needed to craft armors, weapons and arrows.

smp+pe hdt physics extension smp+pe hdt physics extension smp+pe hdt physics extension

I play Skyrim Legendary Edition so there isn't a whole lot out there that isn't a dead end link or half information at least from what I have found. HDT Physics Extensions XP32 Maximum Skeleton Extended - XPMSE Racemenu or NetImmerse Override BodySlide and Outfit Studio SMP-PE path (for CBBE and UUNP users ONLY) How to get this armor in game can be crafted at the forge. I've researched, and asked on other sites on what mods I should use and how to do it. I have been trying to get hdt-smp set up in my game.

Smp+pe hdt physics extension